Thursday, March 19, 2009

Too Extreme in Saving Trees

Imagine sitting on the toilet….

Let's get the embarrassing preliminaries out of the way...most people - including myself - are pee-shy in public bathrooms. There’s nothing worse than knowing you’re not alone in a bathroom, complete silence, and the knowledge that water closets posses fantastic cathedral like acoustics. Not only have public bathrooms denied me the right to relieve myself in peace, but now I’m denied the right of using as much toilet paper as I desire, because of the pointless and expensive technology installed in public bathrooms.
I love hi-tech things - especially in bathrooms. Those automatic soap dispensers: brilliant! However, there is danger in being too automated in restrooms. A prime example is the automated toilet paper dispensers on BYU campus. In the women’s restrooms in the Wilk, to get your toilet paper you must gently pull down and the machine. Sounds harmless enough, but this machine symbolize the nonsensical level of laziness in America. More importantly, this machine makes a ruckus to let down a measly rationed six inches of toilet paper. Now, I know what your thinking: you could simply pull for more if needed. However, the ear-shattering noise of the toilet paper dispenser loudly announces to your stall neighbors just how much toilet paper you need on this particular trip to the bathroom.
Now if BYU installed these devilish contraptions in order to conserve trees – they did an ingenious job. Because, I think many of us would rather use every cm of that toilet paper rather than pull down for three or four more helpings. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for recycling paper. But in all honesty, for me, trees take the back seat when it comes to my toilet paper.


  1. I am in the Periodicals on a computer.
    I am laughing out loud.
    Thanks for brightening the mood in here, even if people are looking at me strangely now.

  2. i hate that automated bathroom.
    so true.
    everyone should not have to know how much toilet paper i am taking.

    and it scares me.
    but they do have the same hand dryers like in heathrow.

  3. someone needed to address this issue for all the shy bladders out there. Hi tech bathrooms are cool, but this is just too far. by the way... do you remember the air blade machines in london?? Best hand dryers I have ever witnessed!
