Thursday, June 30, 2011

Anne of Green Gables Day

You can have a brilliant time at Prince Edward Island if you are not an Anne of Green Gables fan; however, you may have more fun if you are an Anne fan. There are a few requirements to have a splendid Anne day at Prince Edward Island. To begin with, you must wear a dress with "puffed sleeves." In this picture we are wearing our puffed sleeves and singing the song that the minister's wife performs at Diana's wedding: "so promise me that some day you and I...."

If you do not have red hair, buy a straw hat with synthetic orange braids so you are worthy of the insult "carrots." Now you are dressed for Anne success.

Visit Green Gables.

We went to the Green Gables house that inspired Lucy Maud Montgomery. Yes, Green Gables does exist. Be prepared to see lots of Japanese. Apparently, Anne of Green Gables is extremely popular in Japan; it became required reading in Japanese public school sometime after WWII. Random, right? So here are two little Japanese boys sitting in the Anne buggy for a picture. We also took pictures - with our Anne hats - but these boys are so much cuter than we are.

Lucy Maud Montgomery lived next door to Green Gables. Here it is. Magical.

The inside of Green Gables is a museum of sorts that displays how this may have looked during the time that Lucy Maud was growing up. Can I just say that I love the name Maud. My sister mentioned it as a potential baby name and I thought it was terrible, but now I adore the name.

Visit Lover's Lane and the Haunted Woods. Lover's Lane and the Haunted woods also exist.

Ah, and there is a bridge on Lover's Lane. A friend of mine says that only good things happen on bridges; we often reference Anne and Gilbert for the prime example to back up this statement. I think it is fitting that there is a bridge on Lover's Lane.

Here Sophia and I are holding hands on Lover's Lane.

This is the pathway that Lucy Maud would walk to church. Her house was right next door to Green Gables.

This is the property that Lucy Maud grew up on. We went to a small little museum that was run by teenage girls that are Lucy Maud's relatives.

The only regret we had on our Anne day was not finding the "Lake of Shinning Waters." Yet there were other things that made up for this. One of these things was the memoribilia we bought at the shops. We are trying to look as young as we feel wearing these t-shirts. But then again, I don't feel like a school girl professing my love for Gilbert Blythe. Who does not love Gilbert Blythe?


  1. I sang that song while reading your post. Lovely.

  2. I don't even have words to describe how envious I am. This is amazing! Also, you guys are really rad.

  3. ahhhhhhhh your trip looks like the best trip of all the trips.
    and you look beautiful. as per usual.
