Monday, November 24, 2008

The Puppet Show that Changed My Life

I went to a puppet show tonight…now do not judge until you have the whole story. It’s about the friendship between a little boy and horse (you know how I love a good horse story). The horses in the show are puppets…but sophisticated puppets?! It’s brilliant; the horse’s mannerisms are so real that you actually forget that three people are behind it. Well, I got rather attached to the main horse puppet: Joey. There were quite a few touching moments (which is to be expected in a sentimental story about a boy and his horse…Black Beauty, National Velvet etc.) My connection to this puppet (aka three men) brought me nearly to tears at the climax of the play. We all know it does not take much to make me cry, but even the British (who show no emotion) were choked up. Seriously though, it was incredible. Any production which gets an audience to become more emotionally attached to a puppet rather than actors must be doing something fantastic. So parents do not worry and think I’m wasting my money going to London; sleep well at night and know that your daughter is attending life altering puppet shows in London.

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